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Junior Radiologists' Forum

The Junior Radiologists’ Forum (JRF) is an elected body of trainees. It represents the interests of all clinical radiology trainees within the College and facilitates communication, as well as ensuring the involvement of trainees in the College's work.

The JRF acts as a source of support, resources and guidance for trainees, supporting the College’s quality assurance of training in the process.

The membership of the JRF consists of one elected representative from every training programme in the UK, plus national representatives of both less than full-time trainees and academic trainees. The Forum meets twice a year and is led by an elected Chair and Executive Committee. The Medical Director for Education and Training attends all meetings. Full details of the JRF’s remit can be found in the terms of reference.


Terms of reference


Find out more about how the Royal College of Radiologists is governed.

Governance structure