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The Undergraduate Radiology Societies Association (URSA) aims to bring together radiological societies from medical schools across the UK. The College also aims to build a cohort of radiologically-minded medical students and alumni, create a repository of radiology educationalists as patrons and senior advisors and encourage national and international collaboration and standardisation between different undergraduate radiology societies.

The Association will also provide other membership benefits including affiliation with the College, use of the College logo, and an annual meeting of society leads.

Online resources, hosted by the RCR and available to member societies, will include an individual society page, an events listing page to promote the work of the societies, and access to career profiles and role guides.

Access to radiological resources such as the Clinical Radiology journal and the RCR Newsletter will also be available.  Societies will also be encouraged to contribute to the newsletter in order to provide insight into the work of the medical schools.

Association membership is free to radiological societies.  An application pack is available at the bottom of this page. 

Once all of the necessary documents have been completed, please return your application to the .

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Undergraduate clinical radiology