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Join the Clinical Radiology Undergraduate Committee

Applications are currently closed.

Help the RCR in its mission to promote radiology teaching at the undergraduate level.

The RCR’s Clinical Radiology Undergraduate Committee - for the first time - invites medical students to join its membership to help inform and shape its work. 

The Committee

The committee membership currently consists of:

  • Undergraduate lead and chair of the committee
  • Five clinical radiology consultants actively involved in undergraduate education
  • Four clinical radiology trainees actively involved in undergraduate education
  • RCR Workforce Development and Training and Manager

It is responsible for the following activities:

  • Working to increase the amount of radiology that is taught in medical schools, including looking for new and innovative ways of delivering that teaching.
  • Raising awareness of the importance of radiological knowledge for all doctors from the start of their careers.
  • Raising awareness of the specialty of clinical radiology among medical students and promoting it as an attractive career option.
  • Supporting undergraduate radiology societies in UK medical schools.
  • Planning and delivering the RCR’s annual undergraduate radiology day.
  • Awarding the RCR’s undergraduate prizes and bursaries

We need you!

The committee exists to help medical students and the best way to do this is to have a student voice within the group.

Joining the committee presents a significant opportunity to be involved in and to help set the strategic activities the RCR undertakes to expand the awareness of radiology as a discipline and career in UK medical schools.

What will it involve?

If appointed you would be expected to attend the committee’s meetings which take place 2-3 times per year, as and when required in London and to participate in email discussions between meetings. If unable to attend the meetings in person, videoconference or teleconference can be used.

You will actively contribute to the discussions and have an opportunity to participate in working groups to:

  • Raise awareness of the specialty of clinical radiology among medical students and promote it as an attractive career option, and to
  • Plan and deliver the RCR’s 2024 undergraduate radiology day.

Term of office

The term of office for members will be twelve months starting from 4 September 2023 and concluding 30 August 2024. 

Am I eligible?

To apply you must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently studying at a UK medical school
  • In Year 3 or above
  • Have a demonstrable interest in radiology


If you have any enquires or would like more information about the role email 

Undergraduate clinical radiology

Clinical radiology plays an essential, integral role in primary care and hospital medicine. Discover how we connect newly qualified and junior doctors with imaging departments.

Undergraduate clinical radiology