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Heads of Service (Clinical Oncology)

Heads of Service are the primary conduit for the specialty of Clinical Oncology to connect the UK membership with the Faculty.

They aim to: 

  1. enable Clinical Oncology Officers to gain insight to and information on issues being faced by and developments within Clinical Oncology throughout the UK;
  2. enable the Faculty to consult on and disseminate information about its policies, new developments, professional guidance and emerging issues;
  3. provide a forum for discussion of issues and topics and acting as a sounding board for the Faculty.

The Heads of Service Committee is chaired by the Clinical Oncology Medical Director for Professional Practice. The Clinical Oncology Vice-President, Clinical Oncology Medical Director for Education and Training, and the President are ex-officio members.

Full details of the committee's remit can be found in the terms of reference.  

If you have any items you would like raised at the next meeting of the Heads of Service Committee, please write to Dr Nicky Thorp, Medical Director Professional Practice, via the , at The Royal College of Radiologists, or contact your Head of Service.


Terms of reference


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