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Professional Support and Standards Board (Clinical Radiology)

The Professional Support and Standards Board develops and issues professional guidance and advice to the membership on all aspects of professional practice post the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training. Together with related activities, it is responsible to the Faculty Board for those functions and programmes of work to fulfil and realise the Faculty plan in support of the College Strategy. This extends to all four UK nations.

The Clinical Radiology Professional Support and Standards Board (CR PSSB) is responsible on behalf of the Faculty Board for all the following activities:

  1. Preparation, approval and review of arrangements for revalidation in the specialty including the arrangements for CPD;
  2. Commissioning, oversight and presentation to the Faculty Board for approval: standards, guidelines, advice and statements for practice in the specialty and ensuring that such documents are regularly reviewed and updated as required;
  3. Oversight and development of arrangements for collecting and analysing data and producing reports on the workforce in the specialty including the Advisory Appointments Committee function;
  4. Liaison and communication arrangements with national or UK devolved country bodies dealing with practice, standards, advice, guidance, revalidation, CPD and workforce among others;
  5. The development and delivery of research in clinical radiology ensuring such work is co-ordinated with work pre the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training undertaken by the Clinical Radiology Specialty Training Board.The CR PSSB commissions specific pieces of work or projects from CR PSSB committees, sub-committees or working parties and/or establishes time-limited working parties for the particular purpose (setting terms of reference and work programmes accordingly).

The CR PSSB works, as required by the Faculty Board, with other boards, committees, sub-committees or working parties within the Faculty, or with the Faculty of Clinical Oncology on related activities where there is a practice-related component.

The CR PSSB works in a cost-effective manner and monitors the impact of its activities.

Next meeting

  • 15 November 2024 - 10:00 - 13:00 - In person


Terms of reference


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