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Radiology Informatics Committee

The Radiology Informatics Committee (RIC) advises the Clinical Radiology (CR) Faculty on all matters relating to the application of information and communications technology in the specialty of clinical radiology.

In order to carry out its work effectively, the Committee may take advice from a wide range of individuals and organisations including commercial organisations. Accordingly, the Committee’s role is advisory. Decisions on professional guidance, standards, position statements and policy will be made by other Faculty bodies as appropriate.

The RIC is responsible, on behalf of the CR Professional Support and Standards Board, for assisting the Faculty in developing methods of advancing radiology using information technology.   

The Committee is chaired by the CR Informatics Adviser, and includes industry representatives alongside appointed members of the Faculty. The CR Vice-President, CR Medical Director for Professional Practice, CR Medical Director for Education and Training, and the President are ex-officio members.

Full details of the Committee’s remit can be found in the terms of reference. 

If there are any issues that you would like to raise, please email the chair of the Committee, Dr Dan Fascia, via the .

The Radiology Informatics Committee have helped to develop a number of guidance documents

View the list of documents


Terms of reference


The minutes of meetings held over the last year are available to members and Fellows of the College.  If you would like to see the minutes of earlier meetings please contact the .


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