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The Trustee Board

The Trustee Board is responsible for the management and administration of the RCR, and is the highest level of governance in the College.

The Trustee Board is responsible for the management and administration of the College. It approves the College's Strategy, the annual budget and the annual accounts, and is responsible for reviewing and managing risk. The Trustee Board has oversight of all major cross-College projects and activities.

The Trustee Board is comprised of the eight Officers of the College – seven of whom are elected by the membership and one of whom is appointed by Council – a lay Treasurer and up to three lay Trustees. The Officers form the majority of the Trustees, with lay trustees bringing particular skills and experience to assist the effective management of the RCR across its range of work. The President chairs the Trustee Board.

Members of the Trustee Board are the Trustees of the RCR under Charity law.

The membership, responsibilities and arrangements for Trustee Board meetings are set out in the RCR’s By-Laws and Regulations.



Find out more about how the Royal College of Radiologists is governed.

Governance structure