Exams & training

Member benefits


Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests


The purpose of the Register of Interests is to place on record actual or potential conflicts of interest. Council members are required to update their entries throughout the period of office and are reminded annually to do so. In addition, the Code of Conduct requires Council, board and committee members to declare any relevant interests in the course of College business.This is a standing item of business taken at the commencement of all Council, board, committee or sub-committee meetings and is recorded in the minutes of such meetings.

Declaration of interests (trustees)

College Council/Trustees

Compliance with the Code of Conduct for Council members and completing the Register of Interests is mandatory for Council members (who are trustees of the College).

The Declaration of Interests list for Council members serving from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023 is published below.

Declaration of interests - Senior Management Team


Interest type

Organisation and role 

Oliver Reichardt, Chief Executive



Tania Vanburen, Executive Director, Education and Professional Practice



David Botha, Executive Director, Business and Resources

Voluntary Director, RCR Education Ltd.

Gemma Malley, Executive Director, Communications


Declaring interests at College boards and committees

The agendas of all College board and committee meetings require members to be aware of conflicts of interest in respect of any items on the agenda. If this arises members are expected to speak to the chair prior to the meeting in order to agree how best to proceed. This is a formal item of business on each agenda and is recorded in the meeting minutes. This is covered in the Conflicts of Interest policy.


The Association of Healthcare Technology Providers for Imaging, Radiotherapy and Care (AXrEM) has asked the RCR to publish a link to its own Code of Conduct, which can be found on their website. 

Any queries should be directed to the .

Trustees Register of Interests 2022–23

Council member

Declared interests


Professor M Callaway

  • Consultancy:

Currently an advisor for NHS Ireland on a review of the working practices of a locum radiologist in a hospital in Northern Ireland

  • Financial interest:

Lecture for Bayer Pharmaceuticals for which I receive an Honorarium


Dr D Chand



Dr T G Charlton



Dr R A Cooper



Dr J Elford

  • Director:
    • RCR Education Ltd
    • Imagine Medical Solutions Ltd
    • Wessex Healthcare Diagnostics LLP
    • Radiology Services Ltd
  • Financial interest:

Wessex Healthcare Diagnostics LLP


Dr K E Halliday

President, Royal College of Radiologists


Professor G G Hanna

  • Non-personal financial interest:
    • AstraZeneca - Speaker Honoraria and Consultancy Honoraria
    • M.S.D. - Travel Support 
  • Board Positions held:
    • Institute of Clinical Sciences, London (Royal Marsden) - ICR-CTSU Clinical Advisory Committee - 2022 – present.
    • Irish Research Radiation Oncology Group (IRROG) – Governance Advisory Board 2022 – present
    • Trinity St James's Cancer Institute, Dublin - External Advisory Board, 2022 – present
  • Other interests:
    • Winner of Royal College of Radiologists, Keith Durrant Memorial Travelling Fellowship 2009.  
    • Winner of Pearl Ewing Travelling Fellowship, Friends of the Cancer Centre, Belfast, N. Ireland, 2009.
    • Member of the editorial board of TipsRO Journal 2018 - present.
    • Robert Campbell Oration Medal – Ulster Medical Society, October 2021.
    • Clinical Director, Northern Ireland Cancer Centre, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.
    • Member of iREACH Steering Group, Queen's University Belfast 2022 - present
    • Honorary Associate Professor University of Melbourne, Australia, 2018 - present
    • Honorary Radiation Oncologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, 2021- present
    • Honorary Clinical Professor, Queen's University Belfast. 2021- present.

Dr S A Horan

  • Financial interest:
    • Shareholder, Genesiscare
    • Private practice at Genesiscare and at Nuffield


Dr A K Jain

  • Director:
    • Jain Consultancy Limited
  • Member:
    • BMA UK Council, UK Consultants Committee
    • Member APNA --NHS (South Asian Heritage Leaders Network)
    • Founding members Disabled Doctors Network 
    • Chair Trust BAME Staff Network
  • Other:
    • Chair Asian Breast Cancer Support Group
    • Fellowship BMA  since 2013
    • HSJ Top 50 BME Pioneer award in 2014 
    • Health & Social Care Network Embrace Award in 2015
    • Asian Fire Service Association Award 2021

Mr T Jones

 Other offices:

Lay Trustee, British Society of Gastroenterology  


Professor E L Loney



Ms J Ord

Public appointments:

  • Remuneration and Governance Walsall Housing Committee
  • Office of the West Midlands Police Commissioner: Independent Member Serious Misconduct Panel
  • Greater London Authority: Independent Member Mayoral Appointments


Dr F Rathore

Chair, Junior Radiologists Forum, Royal College of Radiologists


Dr W H Ramsden

Vice President, Clinical Radiology, Royal College of Radiologists


Dr T W Roques

Vice President, Clinical Oncology, Royal College of Radiologists

Other offices:

  • Clinical advisor for the charity Cancer 52, requiring occasional clinical advice and strategic guidance to the CEO. 


Dr S Sundar

 Other offices:

  • Clinical Advisory Board role at Prostate Cancer Research (not a formal office position)

Financial interests:

  • private clinical practice through my own company.

In the past, I have done brief advisory board work for pharmaceutical companies (Bayer, BMS, Roche)


Dr S P Suresh

Other offices:

  • Elected Council member, British Society of Skeletal Radiologists

Financial interest:

  • private practice at Nuffield Plymouth
  • Director of VP Suresh Limited


Dr A K M Taylor

Other offices:

  • Appointed member of the Diagnostics Advisory Committee, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)


Dr N J M L Thorp

Public appointments: 

  • Member of National Museums Liverpool Foundation Committee


Dr R Uberoi

Other offices:

  • Chair of membership and rules committee CIRSE
  • BSIR council
  • Director for Charitable organisation MINOVA

Non-personal financial support

  • Gore and Vascutek sponsporship and study leave budgets


Dr R J Wade



Dr F A P Yuille



See the Royal College of Radiologists’ policies and privacy notices.
