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Declaration of interests (trustees)

The purpose of the Register of Interests) is to place on record actual or potential conflicts of interest.
Do you hold any offices in a professional body, specialist society, medical Royal College or similar body in the public, private or voluntary sector? *
Do you hold any consultancy, directorships or advisory positions within a medical, healthcare or pharmaceutical company or organisation, public body or political party, or any company that seeks work in the healthcare sector? *
Do you have any financial interests in, or other potential sources of income from, medical, healthcare or pharmaceutical companies or organisations? *
Have you received any non-personal financial support from industry; that is, a payment which benefits a department for which you are responsible, but it has not been received by you personally (eg, a grant towards the running of a unit, a Fellowship or other payment to sponsor a post, the commissioning of research or consultancy work etc)? *
Do you hold any offices on Boards or in senior positions of employment, consultancies, advisory positions with existing or potential suppliers to, or recipients of funds from, the RCR? *
Do you hold any other public appointments? *
Do you have any other interests which should be declared (this should include any medals and prizes awarded, membership of a relevant disease pressure group)? *