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RCR complaints procedure


Intention statement

The RCR provides services for and deals with a wide range of enquiries from doctors, trainees, patients, members of the public and others. We hope to consistently provide the level of service that you have a right to expect. If you feel we have not done that then we want to know about it - so that we can put things right and so that we can improve our systems and processes for the future.


We are happy to look at complaints or comments about the services that RCR provides.

Please note that we are unable to accept any complaints or concerns about the professional practice of one of our members; these should be directed to the General Medical Council. You may also wish to speak to the relevant NHS Trust about your concerns. The RCR cannot investigate or comment on these matters.

A complaint can be about any aspect of the service that RCR provides. However, there is a separate Appeal policy and procedure for FRCR and DDMFR exams.It is not intended that this complaints process reviews the outcome of that process and nor is it a replacement for it. As such, we will not accept any appeals about the FRCR or DDMFR exams under the complaints process.


We have a three-stage process, as set out below.

  1. Informal stage
  2. Formal stage
  3. Appeal


1. Informal stage

We try to resolve problems informally and, if possible, where and when it is first brought to our attention. Where there is a problem, therefore, please contact the person or the section (or the manager of that section) who provided the service and explain why you are unhappy and what outcome you would like. This can be done by telephone or in writing.

We will aim to resolve this as swiftly as possible, and in any event meet the following deadlines:

  • Acknowledge your complaint within five working days and give you an indication of when you should expect a response.
  • Provide a response within three working weeks, or if we are unable to do so let you know why and when you should expect a response.

If you are unhappy with the response you receive you can make a formal complaint.

2. Formal stage
Formal complaints will be considered by a member of the Senior Management Team. We ask that formal complaints about our service be made in writing, by letter or e-mail. It would be helpful if you could let us know:

  • The nature of the complaint
  • Who has been involved so far
  • What has/has not been done
  • Why you are not satisfied with the outcome
  • How you would like to see the matter resolved

You can e-mail your complaint to (please click on the link) or post to:

Chief Executive
The Royal College of Radiologists
63 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3JW

If you are unable to put your complaint in writing, please contact us to discuss alternative ways to let us know your concerns. 
We will acknowledge all formal complaints within five working days.

We aim to let you have a full response within 30 working days of receipt. We will let you know if we are unable to meet this deadline and provide you with an estimate of when you should expect a response. While we would always like to provide a substantive reply within this timeframe, please be aware that some complex issues may take longer.

If the complaint concerns the Chief Executive, then an Officer will consider the formal complaint.

In most instances we hope that the matter can be satisfactorily resolved at this stage. However, should you feel that the response to your formal complaint has not taken all relevant matters into consideration or that the resolution offered does not address the problem then you may wish to request an appeal.

3. Appeal 
Appeals will be considered by an Officer of the College.

If you wish to appeal the process or proposed resolution of your formal complaint, we ask that you put in writing the grounds for your appeal. This should set out why you believe relevant matters were not taken fully into consideration, or how the proposed outcome does not resolve the matter. It would be helpful if you can indicate the outcome you would like to see. 

If you are unable to put your appeal in writing, please contact us to discuss alternative ways to let us know your concerns. 
We will acknowledge all requests for an appeal within five working days, and let you know how we intend to proceed with the appeal request within 30 working days. We may wish to invite you to submit further written evidence or invite you to speak with us.

If the appeal is about or involves the President, then a Vice President will consider the appeal.

Please note that the appeal is the final stage in our complaints process. The outcome of the appeal will be our final decision. You may ask for your complaint to be withdrawn at any time in the process.

RCR welcomes feedback from its stakeholders, and we aim to learn and improve from the process. We will review complaints on a regular basis and report to trustees on themes and issues.

Approved by Council

9 March 2023

See the Royal College of Radiologists’ policies and privacy notices.
