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Safeguarding policy



The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is a registered charity that has a duty to ensure that all at-risk persons who come into contact with the RCR in the course of its core business and activities do so in a safe environment. This policy sets out the RCR’s commitment to protecting the welfare of at-risk persons and the principles that will be applied in responding to any concerns that may arise.

This policy applies to senior managers, the board of trustees (i.e. Council), all other paid staff, volunteers (i.e. Fellows, members and lay people) and anyone else working on behalf of the RCR.

Key principles

  • The RCR is committed to providing a safe and trusted environment to all at-risk persons that come into contact with the RCR. Safeguarding involves a duty of care to everyone who comes into contact with the RCR, not just vulnerable beneficiaries like children and young people.

  • The RCR is committed to setting an organisational culture that prioritises safeguarding, so it is safe for people to report incidents and concerns in the knowledge they will be dealt with appropriately.

  • The RCR will use procedures and measures to protect people and make sure these are made public, reviewed regularly and kept up to date.

  • The RCR will investigate incidents internally as they arise through confidential procedures and report them to the relevant authorities including the police and the Charity Commission when appropriate.

  • The RCR will learn from any mistakes and put in place the relevant mechanisms to stop them happening again.

  • The RCR has a responsibility as a charity to make sure that Officers, employees and volunteers are suitable to work with at-risk persons; that they obtain appropriate checks from the DBS; and that they are legally able to act in these positions.

Activities covered by this policy

The RCR does not undertake regulated activity however at-risk persons may come into contact with the RCR through the following activities: 

  • Admission ceremonies

  • Public lectures

  • Professional Learning and Development (PLD) events

  • Some FRCR examinations

  • Contractual arrangements involving employees or contractors i.e. Change 100 internship scheme

  • Meetings hosted by the RCR

  • Working parties.

Preventative measures

The RCR will undertake the following measures to ensure the safety of at-risk persons in the context of RCR activities:

  • Risk assessment of activities and consideration of mitigations. This will be managed in a risk register which is regularly reviewed to monitor any changes to the circumstances around any recurring and new activities.

  • Formal checks that anyone acting on behalf of the RCR is suitable to act in their role

  • Staff training to know how to spot and refer or report concerns

  • Have a clear system of referring or reporting to relevant organisations as soon as a concern is identified.

Raising concerns

Any complaint raised against anyone covered by this policy will be handled in accordance with the RCR’s procedures for investigating such complaints and with consideration of the RCR's values and code of conduct. Procedures provide for informal mediation, a formal investigation and hearing stage and appeal against decisions and/or sanctions as appropriate.

Council will be provided annually with a governance report which will include a summary of any safeguarding concerns, risks and mitigations. In the event of a serious incident, the Medical Director, Membership and Business will be notified as soon as practicable of the details of the incident, appropriate action to be taken and whether the Charity Commission has been notified.

Agreed by Council: July 2019

Review date: July 2022

See the Royal College of Radiologists’ policies and privacy notices.
