RCR job vacancies
How to apply
To find out more about any of the vacancies advertised, please download the candidate pack for the post you are interested in. Complete the diversity monitoring form and send a CV and covering letter to jobs@rcr.ac.uk by the stated closing date, explaining concisely how you match the requirements of the role.
Alternatively, you can send your application by post to arrive by the closing date. Please address your application to:
HR Manager
The Royal College of Radiologists
63 Lincoln's Inn Fields
All applications will be acknowledged, but if you have not heard from us again within a fortnight of the closing date, please assume that you have not been shortlisted for interview on this occasion. Unfortunately we are unable to respond to general enquiries about employment opportunities. Each vacancy is advertised on this website as well as through other recruitment methods.
Read our recruitment privacy notice to learn how we handle your personal data.

About us
We are The Royal College of Radiologists – the leading professional membership body for clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists, supporting doctors throughout their career so that they can make a real difference.