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Awards for educational travel

We offer a variety of funded opportunities to develop learning, research, travel and teaching, available at every stage of your medical career.

See all awards for educational travel

The Dr Prafulla Kumar Ganguli Professorship

This award is funded by a generous legacy from the estate of the late Dr Ganguli to visit India for educational purposes.

The Du Boulay Professorship

The Du Boulay Professorship is a fantastic opportunity to promote and support neuoradiology as a subspecialty and research within neuroradiology and related fields, and is a joint venture between the Royal College of Radiologists and the British Society of Neuroradiologists.

The RCR/SIG Travelling Professor Scheme

Since 2016 the RCR has run a Travelling Professor Scheme in partnership with the Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

Travel bursaries for the European Congress of Radiology

Six annual bursaries, funded by The Royal College of Radiologists, are available to UK specialist registrars who are the first author of an accepted paper or poster at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR).

The Dr John Spencer Award

Following his death in 2015, Dr John Spencer's will generously included an endowment to the RCR. The Dr John Spencer Award is an annual travelling bursary that encourages clinical radiology trainees to present a poster or paper at the RSNA annual meeting.

The Reginald G Reid/Graham-Hodgson Scholarship

Formed in 1994, by the combination of two awards endowed by Reginald G Reid and Graham-Hodgson, this scholarship is awarded to a clinical radiologists to learn a new technique, develop a field of interest or to further a research project.

The RCR Educational Bursary Fund

Applications are invited from Members and Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology of the Royal College of Radiologists who hold a substantive post of any grade in the United Kingdom.

The RCR International Travelling Fellowship

Every year, the RCR awards one clinical radiology team and one clinical oncology team with the RCR International Fellowship. The winning teams, which consist of a consultant and a trainee, are awarded funds to carry out philanthropic international activity.

Our awards and honours

Find out more about all the different funded opportunities we offer to develop learning, research, travel and teaching, available at every stage of your medical career, whether you are still studying at university, in the midst of your specialty training or a fully qualified consultant.

Awards & honours