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The RCR International Travelling Fellowship

Applications are currently closed.

Every year, the RCR awards one clinical radiology team and one clinical oncology team with the RCR International Fellowship. The winning teams, which consist of a consultant and a trainee, are awarded funds to carry out philanthropic international activity. Each team visits their country of choice twice, to ensure their project delivers the maximum benefit of developing clinical radiology or clinical oncology in that area. Past recipients of the award have had fantastic feedback from their host organisations and have experienced significant benefits themselves in terms of teaching experience, learning experience and making new connections with international peers.

You can read about the winners of the 2020-2022 International Travelling Fellowship Dr Deepak Subedi and Dr Rishikesan Ramaesh and their exciting project in Nepal to engage local radiology and oncology trainees and provide a wide-ranging teaching programme around the theme of ‘Imaging in Oncology’.

History of the award

The International Travelling Fellowship was created in 2017 by combining the Cochrane Shanks Jalil Travelling Fellowship and the Sir Howard Middlemiss Travelling Fellowship awards. Previous awards have also included the RCR Prafulla Kumar Ganguli Professorship. Past awardees visited Ghana, Sri Lanka and India.


Up to £11,000. Each visit per year will receive up to £5,500. 


It is open to Fellows of the RCR who hold a consultant post in the UK, and to trainees in a UK approved training scheme. All applicants must be in good standing with the College.


Applications for the 2023-25 International Travelling Fellowship are now closed.


  1. Must include both a consultant and trainee
  2. Must include two visits to the same institutions/host hospitals over the two year period – to ensure maximum benefit and to establish a link with the respective center
  3. Both awardees must be in good standing with the College
  4. Both awardees must currently practise in the UK
  5. £5,500 will be award to each visit; the sum represents the monies awarded per year and per speciality over a course of two years
  6. The awardee must promote the award afterwards and submitted a structured report within eight weeks of each visit and lecture for the College website within 12 weeks of the final visit.

The appointment process 

Candidates should submit by email a completed application form, a CV per applicant, two letters of reference per applicant and confirmation from the host hospital(s)/institution(s) where you intend to work. Applications will be sent for assessment to the Global Outreach Forum.

Successful applicants of the RCR International Travelling Fellowship

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