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Cancer Research UK/RCR Joint Clinical Research Fellowships (JCRFs)

For information on application dates, please visit the CRUK website.


This award is a joint agreement between Cancer Research UK and The Royal College of Radiologists. 


Clinical Research Fellowships are administered by the Cancer Research centres across the UK and vary according to topical areas of research relevant to each centre. Members or Fellows are appointed through Cancer Research UK’s open competition, where all proposals are judged by the Cancer Research Clinical Careers Committee. Please visit the CRUK website for more information on the posts available at each cancer research centre. 


See CRUK website for more information. 


All UK clinical oncologists and clinical radiologists who are members or Fellows of the RCR. 

To apply: 

Clinical Research Fellowships are administered by the Cancer Research UK centres which have been set up throughout the UK. Please read about the centres on Cancer Research UK’s website, which also includes a map identifying each research centre.  You can then choose a particular centre to see what they are offering and the areas of research they are currently focusing on. To apply for a Clinical Research Fellowship, please contact the centres directly. 

Please contact  with any queries relating to the JCRFs.

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