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The Outstanding Clinical Radiology Researcher Award

Applications closed for 2023 and will next open in 2025.


The RCR-NIHR Outstanding Clinical Radiology Researcher awards recognise the contribution that clinical radiologists make to radiology research in the NHS. The scheme is jointly sponsored by the RCR and the National Institute for Health Research. 

Two awards are available every two years, one trainee and one consultant award. The awards are in the form of a certificate and £250 award, entitling the holder to be called 'RCR-NIHR Outstanding Clinical Radiology Researcher of 2023 (Trainee)' and 'RCR-NIHR Outstanding Clinical Radiology Researcher of 2023 (Consultant)' respectively. The awards will be presented during the RCR Radiology Research Day on Thursday 9 November 2023. Award winners will be expected to give a short presentation of their prize-winning research and must be available to attend this event virtually.


The scheme will recognise research active NHS clinical trainees and consultant radiologists that are demonstrating excellence and innovation in delivering NIHR research. Specifically recognising outstanding contributions to the conduct of imaging research, as evidenced by publications or presentations and tangible patient benefit, such as influence on clinical pathways, clinical guidelines or patient management.

  • NHS clinical radiologist trainees and consultants who are Fellows or members of the RCR in good standing and are active in research

  • Applicants may self-nominate for the award but should be recommended/seconded by a Fellow of the RCR

  • Applicants must be contributing to NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) Portfolio studies


Trainee applicants should be radiologists working in UK in a recognised training post. This would include academic clinical fellows (or equivalent), but exclude academic clinical lecturers and those currently taking time out of training for a higher degree.


New consultants are eligible to apply for the trainee award for research undertaken as a trainee/Fellow in the last two years.

Consultant applicants must be radiologists working in UK, wholly employed by the NHS in a predominantly clinical capacity (≥75% clinical commitment; ≥7.5/10 equivalent sessions per week). They may hold an honorary university post, but holders of a tenured university post (Senior Lecturer, Reader or Chair) are not eligible.

Guidance Notes

All applicants must read the  guidance notes  before applying.

To apply

Applicants will need to submit:

  • Completed application form (trainee or consultant version)
  • A comprehensive CV and a signature from a Fellow of the RCR (for trainee applicants - Training Programme Director or academic project supervisor)
  • A covering letter

Assessment procedure

Applications will be assessed by a joint RCR and NIHR panel including patient representatives; the decision is final and binding. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by email - please make contact if you have not received this within 2 weeks. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by 23 October 2023.  

A list of past recipients is available.

Any queries should be sent to: research@rcr.ac.uk

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