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The Roentgen Professorship

Applications are currently closed.


The Roentgen Professorship is generously funded by the publishers of the Clinical Radiology journal in order to encourage research within the specialty. 


The Roentgen Professor will deliver online talks to or visit a minimum of five UK training schemes for the purposes of stimulating and encouraging research in clinical radiology. The Professor is expected to deliver a lecture and a mixture of tutorials of up to a day's duration. The Roentgen Professor may also be asked to provide advice and guidance on research related issues to the publishers of Clinical Radiology which could involve attendance at up to two meetings during the year. The Roentgen Professor will be co-opted as a member of the Clinical Radiology Academic Committee for two years after receiving the award involving attendance at three meetings each year.


Up to £3,000 will be available to cover the travel costs incurred by the appointee in discharging the responsibilities of the Roentgen Professor. A prize of £1000 is also awarded to the Professor.


Clinical radiologists who hold either an NHS consultant post or an academic radiology appointment below the grade of professor in the UK. Applicants must have a proven research track record.

To apply

Applicants will need to submit:

  • A full curriculum vitae

  • A description of the applicant's research record

  • A description of why the applicant would be suitable for appointment to the Professorship 

  • Two written references, including one from your clinical director or line manager confirming that they are happy for you to take up the appointment.

Applications should be emailed to 

Assessment procedure

An assessment panel nominated by The Royal College of Radiologists will consider applications. The decision of the assessment panel is final and binding. It is intended that the assessment panel's recommendations will be reported to the Academic Committee for approval in May and applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by June.

A list of past Roentgen Professors is available.

Any enquiries should be sent to 

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