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Requirements for Speedwell exams

Details of the requirements for RCR exams delivered using the Speedwell platform.

Technical requirements 

Only a desktop PC or laptop can be used. Chromebooks, iPads, tablets or mobile phones do not meet requirements.

You will need:

  • A working built-in or external webcam, microphone and speakers
  • Mac operating systems must be minimum 10.11 and Windows minimum 10
  • A reliable internet connection with a speed of at least 2 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload
  • Hard drive storage space (minimum 20GB free space)
  • Memory (RAM) 4GB minimum, 8GB recommended
  • Chrome (version 78 or higher) or Firefox (version 60 or higher) web browser with popup block disabled

How to prepare

  • It is recommended that you download GoToMeeting and Zoom as backup for your examination session.
  • An internet speed test, a camera check and mic check can also be performed. See Examity's troubleshooting guide for more information.
  • Laptops should be fully charged and connected to a power source.
  • Please use the same browser for all stages of your exam preparation and on the day of the examination.

Your environment

  • Use a quiet room with a clear desk and surrounding area.
  • No other persons or pets should be present in the room.
  • Others residing/working in the examination location should avoid activities that will monopolise internet bandwidth, like streaming videos or gaming.

Contact Examity for technical support

Examity provides support to candidates directly via the following contact details:

  • Freephone:  +44 800 086 8080 (press 1 for support)
  • support@examity.com

The RCR can also be contacted on exams@rcr.ac.uk for any further assistance over and above that provided by Examity. It is not necessary for candidates to let the RCR know that they have undertaken a successful system check.

Links from the RCR website to external material are provided for information only. The RCR is not responsible for content on external websites. 

Our exams

Find out more about our FRCR exams in clinical radiology and clinical oncology, and DDMFR exams in dental and maxillofacial radiology.

RCR exams