Number of Exam Attempts - FAQs
Examinations for the Fellowship in Clinical Oncology
Examinations for the Diploma in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology
No candidate will automatically be permitted more than six attempts at each examination or examination module.
Yes, it covers all FRCR examinations.
The General Medical Council requires all Royal Colleges to have a common approach to the examinations in the different specialities. The GMC has set the requirements for the maximum number of attempts.
Yes, the six attempt rule is for all FRCR candidates.
The RCR has applied the rule since Spring 2015. The rule was backdated to include candidates’ previous attempts.
Any examination or examination module a candidate has previously taken counts towards his or her six attempts.
No, this will not be counted as part of a candidate’s six attempts.
Candidates who are unsuccessful at their fifth attempt at an examination or examination module will be issued with a results letter stating that they have only one attempt remaining.
Candidates who are unsuccessful at their sixth attempt must undertake at least twelve months of additional educational experience before they will be permitted to attempt the examination or examination module again.
Candidates and their educational supervisor should develop and implement a training plan which addresses their particular educational needs. The training plan must be provided to the RCR on
The candidate’s educational supervisor must provide the RCR with a signed statement confirming that additional training and support have been provided and this has materially improved the candidate’s chances of success in the examination or examination module.
Candidates who are unsuccessful after undertaking additional educational experience and have had seven attempts at an examination or examination module will have to undertake at least twelve months of additional educational experience before they will be permitted to attempt the examination or examination module again.
Our exams
Find out more about our FRCR exams in clinical radiology and clinical oncology, and DDMFR exams in dental and maxillofacial radiology.