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Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)

A guide to the SuppoRTT scheme produced by the AoMRC

There are many reasons why a trainee may have a prolonged period of absence from clinical work. There is strong evidence reporting time away from clinical practice can impact on a trainee’s competence, technical skills and confidence.

Recognising this, in 2017 the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) produced their Return to Practice guidance which recommended a framework for ‘Pre-absence Planning’ and ‘Return to Work’ assessment to enable doctors and supervisors to mutually formulate action plans in which individual needs are recognised and acted upon. Health Education England (HEE) has committed to ‘remove as far as possible the disadvantage of those who take time out due to, for example, caring responsibilities’. HEE has developed its Supported Return to Training initiative "SuppoRTT" which provides generic documentation for trainees in all specialties to use when planning an absence and when planning their return.

The SuppoRTT programme also has a dedicated pot of funding which is available to training programmes and to individuals through their local HEE office. While this particular scheme does not exist in the devolved nations, trainees and their trainers are encouraged to follow this process.

The SuppoRTT scheme has been designed for trainees across all specialties returning to practice after at least 3 months of absence. The scheme is a structured process with resources to develop an individualised programme for each trainee and support both the period of absence and return to training. The programme is based around three meetings with the trainee and their Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director prior to the period of absence, 6-8 weeks prior to the return and at the conclusion of the supported return period.

The leave period covered by SuppoRTT processes is nominally 3 – 12 weeks or longer and includes funding that can be applied to through HEE. While this programme does not exist in the same way in the devolved nations, trainees in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales should speak to their local medical education offices who should be able to advise on whether similar support exists. 

SuppoRTT processes are based on 3 meetings held by trainees with their educational supervisor (ES) /training programme director (TPD):

Pre-Absence meeting prior to taking leave. During this meeting the following should be covered:

  • Duration of leave
  • Expected return dates
  • ARCP date and requirements
  • Informing HR/TPD

Initial Return Meeting 3 – 12 weeks before return date

This should include:

  • Outline a return to work plan
  • Complete application forms for funding
  • Liaise with HR and rota coordinators

Return Review meeting

This should include:

  • Complete return meeting form
  • Follow up/review meeting following return to work to review progress and any additional needs


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