APPG for Diagnostics hears from experts during first roundtable of two on the Community Diagnostic Centres programme
Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) are multi-diagnostic facilities, which were introduced with the aim of building diagnostic capacity, supporting quicker and quicker and more convenient access for patients, reducing pressure on hospitals, and reducing regional inequalities. The programme’s success now hinges on effective implementation.
On Wednesday 21 June the APPG for Diagnostics hosted the first of two roundtables on CDCs as part of an inquiry into the programme rollout. The APPG brought together key stakeholders and experts to celebrate the programme’s achievements thus far and highlight challenges.
Speakers included Professor Sir Mike Richards, Chair of the UK National Screening Committee; Dr Rhydian Phillips, Director of Diagnostics & System Improvement at NHSE; Alexandra Pinches, Head of CDCs at NHSE; Dr Katharine Halliday, President of the Royal College of Radiologists; Professor Michael Osborn, President of the Royal College of Pathologists; Dr Clive Vandervelde, Clinical Lead for Andover Community Diagnostic Centre; Dr Tom Oakley, CEO of Feedback Medical; and David Hare MBE, CEO of the Independent Healthcare Providers Network.
This first roundtable discussed the current state of the CDC programme, covering topics such as progress against targets, workforce capacity, equipment provision, equitable patient access, and private sector involvement.
CDCs were initially proposed in Professor Sir Mike Richards’ report, Diagnostics: Recovery and Renewal, for NHS England in November 2020, so it was a pleasure to hear from him on whether the programme is achieving the vision he set out in his report, and his insights from his ongoing role overseeing the establishment of CDCs.
NHS England representatives shared data on how many CDCs have been opened and approved and gave examples of where they were already working well. A large part of the discussion focused on the location of these CDCs, and how they are helping to level up health outcomes and improve patient access to diagnostic provision in areas of deprivation.
Dr Clive Vandervelde was invited to give his experience of running a CDC on the ground, and shared the challenges he faced around infrastructure and workforce recruitment. Both Presidents of the royal colleges added to Clive’s points by presenting a national view of the workforce shortfalls and retention.
Dr Oakley began an important conversation about the importance of digital infrastructure, which led Dr Phillips to expand on NHS England’s plans to improve this element of the CDC programme.
The discussion ended on an exploration of private sector involvement in the programme, with David Hare and Dr Oakley giving examples of where it is working well, and the barriers companies are facing.
All in all, the roundtable was incredibly interesting and shone a light on the current state of the CDC programme – the impressive achievements in a context of high pressure for the health service, and where progress has been more difficult.
The challenges highlighted by panellists will be addressed in the next CDC roundtable, due to take place at 10am on Wednesday 5 July 2023. Please contact for further details on the event. The first recording is available below, and we will be publishing a recording and summary paper after the second APPG roundtable.
If you have any questions about this programme or ideas for the APPG’s future focus, please contact