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RCR 2023 Membership Survey: Share your feedback

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is inviting all Fellows and members to complete our 2023 Membership Survey, which is running in September/October.

This survey will help us gather valuable insight into the experiences, perceptions and views of our Fellows and members. The feedback will inform our future actions and ensure our work as the leading professional membership body for clinical oncologists and clinical radiologists continues to support the needs and interests of our membership.

Dr Katharine Halliday, RCR President, said: “As your President I am committed to ensuring the work of RCR continues to support our doctors, now and in the future.

“I am keen to hear about your experiences and expectations so that the RCR remains valued and relevant to you. Importantly, your responses will inform the Colleges’ priorities moving forward and ensure that we represent your interests in the best possible way.”

To share your feedback with us, please look out for the invitations and reminders that will be sent to you via email.