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The College, AI and 10 Downing Street

Article by: Dr Katharine Halliday

At the end of October, we joined with the Royal College of Pathologists in leading an important discussion at 10 Downing Street, where the potential and challenges of AI in diagnostic healthcare was the focus.

This was a great opportunity to demonstrate the RCR’s expertise in this area and to influence policy makers.

We attended with a group of experts who described the potential benefits for patient care of both current and emerging technologies. But we also painted a realistic picture of the barriers to implementation based on our stakeholder day (read more about that here) and highlighted the need for ongoing systems and processes to underpin quality assurance and long term audit moving forward.  

An important part of the work of the College is ensuring we can speak directly to decision makers, to make sure that policy that could impact our work is informed by our expert view. AI is an area of policy of great focus that is evolving fast. By ensuring the most senior officials in Government recognise the RCR as a leader in this space, we can support in guiding this evolution.

There was a shared dedication to navigating the challenges of maximizing the potential of AI in healthcare, while keeping patient welfare at the forefront. The journey toward integrating AI into the NHS is an exciting one, and  I am confident that we will find innovative solutions and approaches that will positively impact patient care and enhance our working lives.

In the meantime, we will continue to work behind-the-scenes to both influence policy and try to standardise our specialties’ approach to AI in healthcare across the globe.

Read more about our ongoing work on AI here.

Artificial intelligence at the Royal College of Radiologists
Dr Katharine Halliday

After completing her radiology training in London, Australia, Sheffield and Nottingham, Dr Halliday was appointed as a Consultant Paediatric Radiologist at Nottingham University Hospital in 1998. She has a special interest in the imaging of suspected physical abuse and provides expert opinions for cases throughout the UK. She was Chair of the British Society of Paediatric Radiology from 2010-2016 and chaired the working group for the updated guidance for imaging in cases of suspected physical abuse in children.

In September 2017, Dr Halliday was appointed National Clinical Lead for the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme for Radiology, and the Radiology GIRFT report was published in July 2020. Dr Halliday took over as Clinical Director for Radiology at Nottingham University Hospitals in January 2021.

Dr Halliday's tenure as RCR President is 2022-2025.