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Clinical oncology job planning guidance for consultant and SAS doctors 2022

Date: 2022
Date of next review: 2026

Workforce pressures in clinical oncology (CO) have continued to grow since the publication of the third edition of the guide to job planning in CO in 2015. More clinical oncologists are retiring early, more are working less than full time (LTFT) and the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the workplace forever. In this context, the job planning process is more important than ever to ensure hospitals support a workforce that is able to deliver the excellent clinical care to which we all aspire. This fourth edition is therefore a complete update to the previous guidance. It includes clear direction on how oncologists should aim to work in a supportive environment and at the top of their licence.

It is hoped that this document will provide clear advice for every consultant and specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctor as they have their annual job plan meeting, for service leads leading the job planning process and for hospitals to ensure CO job plans are well supported and appropriately funded.