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Guidance on implementing safety checklists for radiological procedures Second edition

Date: 2019
Date of next review: 2023

Checklists for radiological procedures are a simple and effective way to help prevent incidents and incorrect procedures. The use of checklists in England and Wales is mandated by the national and local safety standards for invasive procedures, but their use should be considered standard practice across the UK.

Checklists form part of a culture of patient safety to ensure that every team member is clear about the procedure being undertaken and engaged in ensuring that patients receive a safe service. For many procedures, checklists can be simple and need not be time consuming or onerous to complete, and they can easily be adapted to local procedures. It can be said that ‘if you are too busy to perform a short check, you are too busy to do the procedure’.

This guidance provides advice on the adaptation of checklists for local use, and how all team members can be empowered to contribute to the delivery of a safe service.

Guidance on implementing safety checklists for radiological procedures, second edition combines and replaces Guidance for Fellows in implementing surgical safety checklists for radiological procedures (2013) and Standards for the NPSA and RCR safety checklist for radiological interventions (2010) which have now been withdrawn.