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Standards for the provision of an ultrasound service

Date: 2014

Ultrasound, if carried out correctly in the appropriate clinical situation, is one of the most effective diagnostic tools in healthcare. It is therefore not surprising that the use of ultrasound has increased markedly over the last ten years and continues to do so. The fact that it is safe to carry out, relatively inexpensive and can be provided in most clinical facilities makes ultrasound one of the most commonly requested examinations in the field of diagnostic imaging. 

This document was reviewed by the Clinical Radiology Professional Support and Standards Board and the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board in 2017 and was retained in its current format.

The RCR and the Society and College of Radiographers have produced this document which sets standards in key areas that are seen as essential for the delivery of high-quality and effective ultrasound imaging services and examinations. The aim is to clarify the components of a clinically safe and efficient ultrasound service. It is relevant to all services that carry out ultrasound and to those individuals responsible for the commissioning of such services.

This document was last reviewed in 2017.