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Breast clinicians credential - FAQs


General queries

£90k is the total amount available regardless of the duration of training, and £30k should support one full-time equivalent (FTE) year worked. The specific payment schedule will be agreed between the host trust and NBIA, but there are typically three annual payments of £30k. If a trainee is working LTFT, the host trust may opt to receive three annual payments of £30k, or they may opt for the annual payments to reflect the whole-time equivalent (WTE) hours worked. For example, funding for a trainee working 0.6 WTE could be allocated as follows:

  Option 1 Option 2
Year 1 £30k £18k
Year 2 £30k £18k
Year 3 £30k £18k
Year 4 £0 £18k
Year 5 £0 £18k

Payments are made at the start of the year of employment, in advance of the whole year. Therefore if a trainee should leave part way through a year, a calculation will be made as to how much funding should be recouped on the basis of £30k supporting one full-time equivalent year worked, and this will then be returned to Health Education England (HEE) e.g. if a full-time trainee leaves after 6 months, the NBIA will invoice the host trust for £15k, and this will be returned to HEE.

Pilot application process

Undertaking the credential

The three year training programme will equip you with the necessary skills to lead screening services, family history clinics and work in symptomatic clinics. Job plans will vary across trusts and may include screening assessments, observations, supervised radiology skills, mammography reading, symptomatic and FHx clinics.

Trainees are also expected to sit the “Scientific Basis of Imaging” or “Physics” module of the First FRCR examination within the first year of training. To prepare you for the examination, it is recommended that you attend local radiology physics teaching. This will be negotiated with the local radiology Head of School and study time will be factored into your job plan.

Completion of the credential

Following successful completion confirmed by a final review panel, trainees will be awarded an RCR-Certified Credential Certificate following completion of training. A formal record of training will also be maintained by the RCR.

Ready to take the next step?

Find out more about our work with the Association of Breast Clinicians (ABC), the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) and Health Education England (HEE) to develop and pilot a credential in breast disease management.

Find out more about our work in this area

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