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Clinical Oncology Equivalence Committee – Member vacancies

Applications are invited from Fellows of the Faculty of Clinical Oncology in good standing with the RCR, resident in the UK and in active clinical practice in a substantive NHS consultant post, to join the Clinical Oncology Equivalence Committee. 

Three vacancies

The Equivalence Committee evaluates applications for GMC specialist registration from doctors who are not eligible for specialist registration through a CCT or through EEA rights. Successful applicants are awarded a CESR (Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration). Information available to potential applicants is on our website applying for a CESR.  

The Equivalence Committee meets on an ad hoc basis via Teams when an application is received. Each meeting usually lasts no more than one hour, with one-two hours preparation time in advance. Members may also be asked to comment on matters relevant to the CESR process as these arise. Please see the Terms of Reference for more information and check with your employer that they will allow you the time to participate before you apply - the time commitment generally is relatively minimal as set out above. The College is happy to send a letter of support to your employer if required. 

There are three vacancies available.  

Applicants must demonstrate an interest in and experience in clinical oncology training in the UK (for example, by holding or having held a post as a training programme director, regional specialty adviser, College tutor or similar, or by being a member of a relevant College committee). 

For further information about the role and the work of the committee please read the Terms of Reference. To discuss the role further before applying, please contact , Equivalence Officer or on 0207 406 5929. 

To apply, please submit a short CV and a brief statement describing your particular areas of interest and experience in clinical oncology training, and any other information you consider relevant, indicating why you are interested in this role. 

Please email your application to  by 5.00pm on 20 October 2023. Applicants will be notified of the decision shortly after that date.