Trustee Board and its committees
LEARN MOREThe Trustee Board
The Trustee Board is responsible for the management and administration of the RCR, and is the highest level of governance in the College.
Faculty Leadership Team (Clinical Oncology)
The Clinical Oncology Faculty Leadership Team oversees the delivery of the strategic priorities of the RCR in the context of the Faculty and manages the affairs of the Faculty. It has delegated responsibility from the Trustee Board.
Faculty Leadership Team (Clinical Radiology)
The Clinical Radiology Faculty Leadership Team oversees the delivery of the strategic priorities of the RCR in the context of the Faculty and manages the affairs of the Faculty. It has delegated responsibility from the Trustee Board.
EDI Committee
The EDI Committee provides high level strategic oversight and direction to the equality, diversity and inclusion work of the college.
Finance and Investment Committee
The Finance and Investment committee (FAIC) is chaired by the Treasurer and meets at least four times a year. It oversees efficient and effective resource planning, risk management, and scrutiny and challenge of financial performance to ensure the College can achieve its strategy and priorities.
Honours Committee
Each year, the RCR awards a number of honours, medals and prizes to Fellows, members and examination candidates, as well as those who have made an outstanding contribution to clinical oncology and radiology.
Standing Northern Ireland Committee
The Standing Northern Ireland Committee represents The Royal College of Radiologists in Northern Ireland
Standing Scottish Committee
The Standing Scottish Committee represents The Royal College of Radiologists in Scotland
About us
We are The Royal College of Radiologists – the leading professional membership body for clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists, supporting doctors throughout their career so that they can make a real difference.