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Kodak Fellowships

Applications are currently closed.


Annual Fellowships endowed by money generously donated to the College by Kodak Ltd.


The Fellowships are intended toward supporting research activity, for example, for a scientific and educational research project in the UK or abroad.


2 awards of up to £65,000


The Fellowships are open to radiologists-in-training, early-mid career NHS consultants within ten years of completion of training to develop their research, or NHS consultants at any stage but new to research who hope to gain research experience.

Guidance notes:

All applicants must read the guidance notes before applying. 

To apply: 

Applicants will need to submit:

  • A completed application form. The application form requires:
    • A detailed account of the proposed project including title, purpose, timing, plan of investigation, methods and techniques of study
    • Details of any co-applicants
    • Details of public and patient involvement
    • A budget plan
    • Details of two potential referees, both of which should be consultant clinical radiologists based at different institutions to each other, and to the applicant. The referees should be experts in their field and have no connection to either the project or the applicant(s). The referees will be asked by the RCR to comment on the merits of the proposed project, NOT the character of the applicant
  • A brief curriculum vitae comprising of 2 pages maximum. This should not include a photograph of the applicant
  • Letter(s) of support from the research venue and/or project supervisor.
  • Gantt chart for project (if applicable)

Applications should be sent to research@rcr.ac.uk  

Assessment procedure

Applications are made in open competition and the fellowships are awarded by the Academic Committee based on the recommendation of an assessment panel. The decision of the assessment panel is final and binding. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application in early October. 

Any enquiries should be directed to research@rcr.ac.uk 

Please note that an applicant may only apply for ONE of the following awards in any given year: Kodak Fellowships; Research Bursary; Constance Thornton Fellowship or RCR Seed Grant. The assessment panel reserves the right to move an application into another award category if appropriate.


A paper on the grants awarded under the above schemes between 2019-2022 is available.

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Awards for research